Kayla Glass
Herzing’s faculty and staff were all extremely helpful during my educational journey. Everyone here drove me to do my best and molded me into a better person. Herzing always worked with me to make sure I stayed on track with my studies and was very understanding of my needs.
When it comes to my classes, I specifically loved anatomy and all of my coding courses. With that being said, all of my professors were engaging and made learning fun. Thanks to them, I wanted to learn the material not just because I had to, but because I wanted to.
The journey wasn’t all easy, however! The biggest challenge I had was maintaining a full-time job while attending classes. Sometimes, I found that it was hard to catch a break and relax, but I knew that in the end, I would be proud of myself for achieving my goals. So, I pushed forward and can officially say I made it!
During my time at Herzing, I surprised myself with how efficient I was and how hard I worked to earn good grades. I can truly say I became passionate about my studies while here. Coding can be difficult and confusing at times, but I always had support from those at Herzing along the way.
Now that I’m a grad, I’m considering re-enrolling to earn a degree in Radiology. I’m excited to see what the future holds in store!

Kayla Glass
Healthcare Student